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Why is an Atoma Notebook so Great for
Students, Teachers, Designers?

Pages Out - Pages In

They need never run out of paper1 - you can remove and file, recycle or shred pages that you no longer need to carry around and insert fresh new pages in their place.

And the good news is that you never find yourself carrying an old, full book around with your new replacement book.  The stuff you need is all in one place.

1: We rely on you to weed out and replenish occasionally though...


Made of Good Stuff!

No furry writing, no pages falling out - all good, Eurpoean-sourced ingredients.

  • The Paper is high quality ink-loving paper is engineered for writing and drawing - 90gsm is 12% heavier than standard photocopy paper so it feels better under the pen.
  • The Covers are robust polypropylene or cardboard and can be refilled over and over again.  Covers are slightly larger than the paper to protect it.
  • The Rings are made of plastic or aluminium; they give a smooth page-turning action, and last forever, or until you recycle them.
  • The Punch-Out holds the ring on both sides, so there are 22 points of retention for an A4 page.  Pages are stable with minimal movement around the punchout, yet easily removed and replaced.

Designed to Evolve

Oh! No!  Everything has changed!  New information comes to hand, the curriculum changes, you find a new way to do or explain something.  No Worries!  Write it or draw it on a new page of any size from A7 to A4 and insert it into the book at the most appropriate place. 

If you use the smallest page for the job, then you can see the context in the original notes.  No more flappy bits held on by yellowing sticky-tape.  Yee-Haw!

Move pages anywhere in the book - just roll the page down from the top to remove, open the book to its new home, line the punch-out up with the rings, and gently push down either side of each ring - done in seconds. 

You can move pages many times without damaging them. 

You can move blank pages from the back of the book to the front, so you latest work is always on top! 

Or use a pre-punched divider in the book to separates the used pages from the new pages.

There are no moving parts, so the process is near silent and there is nothing to fall apart or to snap! shut and bite you.

Use the Line Rulings and Page Sizes You Need

Music and notes?  Graphs or diagrams and notes?  No probs - Atoma has a variety of rulings in a bunch of sizes.  And soon, we will have mult-coloured paper too.

Mix your pages! - Lined, squared, blank, and music pages are available as refills, so you can keep a stock of new pages in the back of the book and move them to where you need them, when you need them.

All paper sizes have the same punch spacing, so you can put A7 notes into your A4 book, for example.  Add annotations to your A4 and A5 notebooks by inserting pages from your A7 notepad.  This lets you add a small note without obscuring the whole page.


Lie Back And Relax!

Atoma notebooks lie flat when they are open - no creasing to flatten the page (unlike cheap glue-bound notebooks,) no big rings to dodge when you are writing on the page opposite your writing hand (unlike ring binders,) no scrunching around crushed wires (like wire-bound books.)

Performs Well At The Double!

They lie flat when doubled back!  Completely harmless to the binding. Ideal for small desks, crowded meetings, tiny cafe tables, and holding in one hand while you rant, orate or declaim...

Bound to Last

Pages are positively anchored over the length of the page, yet can be moved in seconds!  A4 notebooks have 11 rings evenly spaced down the spine.  A5 notebooks have 8 rings.  The binding will support the weight of the book (nearly half a kilo for an A4 book) from a single page. 

And, at last, an experiment you can try at home.  Test it by jiggling it up and down to see how well it works...  Warning - it will let go eventually - after all, it is just one sheet of paper - so be ready to catch your book when it does.


Reduce - Reuse - Recycle!

The greatest environmental benefit of an Atoma notebook?  They are made to last.  Don't scrap it when it is full - remove the old stuff and refill it. 

Atoma notebooks are fully recycleable

Paper: Atoma paper is chlorine free, and made in Europe from Eurpoean trees, so its manufacture meets EU environmental standards.

Rings: BioAtoma notebooks have biodegradeable rings.  Our other notebooks have aluminium rings or polypropylene rings, both of which can  be recycled.

Covers: are either cardboard or polypropylene and last for years, but can be replaced in seconds if they develop more patina than you need and recycled.

Back Up Your Stuff

You will write important stuff in you Atoma notebook - not on every page, of course, but as you remove the dross, the value of the book increases.  If you lose it, you will be consumed by remorse.  But worry not, for there is a solution.

You can remove pages from your Atoma notebook to scan or copy them.  Then you can put them back in the book or insert them in an Atoma cover that stays safely at home.  In particular, a double-sided scanner makes a great companion to your Atoma notebook.

At last, you have insurance for your important paper stuff.

Print your own forms

- Either - on prepunched refill stationery
- Or - on blank paper then punch with The Mighty Punch

Diet Atoma!

Atoma pages are easily removed and replaced, so you can make it as thin as you want, without wasting paper...

A standard notebook contains 120 or 144 pages and has 10mm of paper.  An A4 notebook weights in at about 480 grams.  If you want, you can slim it down in seconds: take out some (say half) the pages from your new note book and put them away safely.  Now your notebook weighs nearer 250g.  As you use the pages in the book, you can replace them with the sheets you removed.

Include your own media

Got a project in a manilla folder?  Don't drop it ... sorry, too late.  Bind it all together in your Atoma notebook and everything stays where it belongs.  No staples, tape, paper clips or other hope-based aggregation techniques.  The positive retention of the 11 rings in an A4 notebook mean that it all stays where you put it until you move it somewhere else.

And with our big rings up to 28mm, you can bind a lot of stuff into one book.

Add colour charts, data sheets, flyers, photos, clippings and other printed matter as it becomes available.  The Mighty Punch eats 5 pages at a time.